Need air? Don't despair. Bumpy street? Tighten your seat. Or just fix your Fixie.
What’s a bike commuter or recreational cyclist to do when you need air in your tires or you’ve flatted out miles from home? Dero makes the highest quality bike repair station on the market. The Fix-It Station includes all the tools necessary to perform basic bike repairs and maintenance, from changing a flat to adjusting brakes and derailleurs. The tools are securely attached to the stand with stainless steel cables and tamper-proof fasteners.
As a community service, Redmellon and Bike Easy will perform a site assessment and do a soup-to-nuts install of a Fix-It Station for your company, school, or community group. You tell us where you need a Fix-It Station and we will purchase the unit, install it, and if on public property, handle all the necessary paperwork and permissions with the City of New Orleans. You pay the less-than-cost price of $3,000 for everything and we handle the headaches. It’s a great way to show your employees, students, or members that you care about their health, the environment, and the future of biking in New Orleans.
For a site assessment or to order a Fix-It please contact David Meza (david@bikeeasy.org) at Bike Easy and check out www.bikeeasy.org.